F500 Financial Advisory Makes Data-Driven Process Transformation

  • IndustryFinancial Services
  • Company Size 5000+
  • Revenue $9B+
  • Location United States

Our Client

The company was founded in 1989, and today it is a FORTUNE 500 company that employs more than 5,000 employees aligned as one team on one mission to support more than 20,000 financial advisors and 800 financial institutions that serve more than six million investor accounts.



This Fortune 500 financial advisory has grown rapidly over the last few years as an increasing number of advisors and institutions seek the firm’s leading platform to support their investment and wealth management practices. To serve its growing client population with increasing personalization, enhanced service, and a differentiated set of innovative capabilities, it has undertaken a technology transformation to modernize its architecture and ways of working.

Improvement Opportunities
identified areas for improved employee experience and cost reduction.
view of end-to-end transformation of focusing on improving individual processes.


Skan helps companies turn around their legacy processes built around Human-To-Human "H2H" and Human-To-System "HTS" interactions. Using computer vision, Skan was able to "X-Ray" business processes to identify hidden variants and accurately predict hotspots to accelerate automation and transformation initiatives.

To maintain its growth momentum, the financial advisory firm was re-aligning its internal processes to create a better experience, a concept HFS refers to as OneOffice. Skan was expected to speed up optimization by providing hard evidence based on data to encourage continuous improvement.

The financial advisory firm conducted a proof of concept (POC) with 25-30 users to see if Skan's processes could serve its goals. Skan now has ~200 users at this company, a number that is continuing to grow as they utilize Skan to identify people-based improvement opportunities, informing such ideas as user training, merging closely related activities, and automation opportunities to improve average-handling time.



Skan has successfully identified 20+ areas where the employee experience can be improved, and costs can be reduced. Skan was also incorporated in a project to aid in identifying training opportunities and bottlenecks where employees spend unnecessary time in a process.

Skan helped identify and investigate 20 such friction points on the path to automation and transformation for the financial advisory firm, which is currently looking to expand its initiative to x-ray more processes impacting its key business objectives.

To this end, Skan helped the financial advisory firm with a top-down discovery approach using all the data at hand for end-to-end transformation instead of focusing on improving individual processes.

“A transformation program that is informed out of evidence generated by data, automatically leap-frogs other approaches, as it ensures adoption and realization of business value. We want our programs to generate measurable impact to our internal and external stakeholders, who are the employees and advisors our technology and systems support. Skan is helping us achieve that outcome by quickly discovering our users’ interaction with our processes and systems and giving us the source of truth.”

SVP, Business Reinvention

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