Global Bank Cuts Response Time for Better Customer Service with Skan

  • IndustryBanking & Financial Services
  • Company Size 200,000+
  • Revenue $75B+
  • Location United States

Our Client

The client is a leading global bank, serves more than 200 million customer accounts and conducts business in more than 160 countries and jurisdictions. Its clients include 90% of global Fortune 500 companies who are served by institutional banking.


To better serve customers, the client conducted a thorough analysis of the trade execution process to identify any gaps that may have led to missed trades. The objectives were threefold:

  • Provide customers with timely and accurate updates on the status of their trades.
  • Pinpoint issues in trade matching procedures to understand where and how trades may be falling through the cracks.
  • Implement solutions to close operational gaps, enhancing trade oversight and minimizing the risk of future execution errors.

By taking a systematic approach to process understanding, the aim was to improve trade execution quality, boost customer satisfaction through enhanced transparency, and reduce compliance and operational risks.

opportunities to improve throughout, cycle time & decision accuracy
employees based on steps and methodologies used by the most productive employees


Skan's inside look at the end-to-end match trade customer service process revealed the most frequent process variations and what drives them. Best practices for quickly and accurately identifying the root cause of missed trades and proactively updating customers led to increased customer satisfaction. The data also revealed automation opportunities based on task appropriateness, time, and effort needed. By mapping the process, analysing data, and sharing best practices, Skan identified how to streamline match trade customer service for maximum efficiency and satisfaction.


With Skan's insights, the client gained invaluable knowledge that empowered their workforce. By studying their star employees' techniques, they crafted targeted training to share those productivity best practices company-wide. Now, every team member can work at their peak, delivering excellent service to delight customers.

The client also prioritized process improvements for maximum ROI. By automating repetitive tasks identified by Skan, employees save significant time and effort. They can redirect that energy into value-adding interactions that boost customer satisfaction. With focused training and automation, the entire organization is now able to operate at an optimal level.

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