Top Energy Firm Uses Skan to Streamline Accounts Receivable Process

  • IndustryEnergy & Utilities
  • Company Size 3,000+
  • Revenue $10B+
  • Location United States

Our Client

This client is a leading energy company engaged in renewable power generation, the production of sustainable biomass and the commercial sale of renewable electricity. The company operates a global bioenergy supply business with manufacturing facilities at 13 sites in the United States and Canada, producing compressed wood pellets for its own use and for customers in Europe and Asia.



The client had three key goals for improving their finance and accounting processes:

First, they aimed to streamline intercompany transfers by automating the process, eliminating bottlenecks, and reducing errors. This would enable the team to handle transfers more efficiently.

Second, they wanted to boost operational efficiency and effectiveness. By investigating and implementing automated solutions for the Account Receivable (AR) team, they could optimize decision-making.

Finally, standardizing invoice formats and automating their conversion to the standard format would slash the time and effort needed to process invoices. With automated uploading to the Finance Manager, invoice processing would become faster and simpler.

By pursuing automation, integration, and standardization, the client targeted more seamless financial operations across teams and functions. Their objectives were practical and focused on measurable gains in productivity, accuracy, and speed.

Cost Savings
per year estimated savings by automating highly repetitive activities.
Resource Utilization
estimated savings with over 90% resource utilization.


Skan provided valuable insights that can help improve business performance. Uneven workload distribution was hurting productivity and causing value loss. By analyzing application usage data, Skan recommended a more efficient and fair workload strategy aligned with demand.

Process intelligence revealed a 30-minute gap between fastest and slowest completion times. This highlighted an opportunity to streamline workflows.

Technology intelligence revealed repetitive, mundane tasks were consuming time within key applications like Finance Manager and Excel. Skan advised both long- and short-term automation to free up resources for higher-value work.

By leveraging Skan's data-driven recommendations on workforce, process and technology, the client could boost productivity, efficiency and value creation across the organization.


Skan generated insights identified opportunities to optimize efficiency. By automating repetitive tasks, the client was able to unlock annual savings of £5.7M. Streamlining process execution boosted productivity, generating projected gains of £5.35M at full workforce utilization.

By streamlining workflows, Skan revealed a treasure trove of potential savings. The client saved over 40% in time by improving process efficiency. In summary, recommendations from Skan helped streamline process execution to improve overall productivity and achieve cost savings.

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