Security, Trust & Transparency

We are committed to providing highest levels of data security, privacy and compliance. Learn how we protect confidentiality and integrity of your data. 

Responsible AI

Responsible AI

At Skan, we are dedicated to responsible AI, prioritizing data security, integrity, and ethical use. Our approach includes robust encryption, privacy by design, and compliance with data protection regulations. We ensure AI accuracy and reliability through high-quality data, model validation, bias mitigation, and transparency. Our commitment extends to human oversight and continuous improvement, ensuring AI technologies are used ethically and responsibly.

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

At Skan, we prioritize your privacy. Our Privacy Policy details how we collect, use, and share your personal information, ensuring compliance with data protection regulations. We emphasize secure data handling through encryption and transparent processing. You have rights to access, rectify, and delete your data.

Cookies Policy

Cookies Policy

Our Cookies Policy explains the use of tracking technologies to enhance your browsing experience. We use first-party cookies for essential functions, and you can manage your preferences or withdraw consent at any time.

Modern Slavery Policy

Modern Slavery Policy

Skan is committed to maintaining high ethical standards, including preventing modern slavery and human trafficking. Our policy outlines steps taken to identify and mitigate risks in their operations and supply chain. Our commitment includes adherence to their Code of Conduct, supplier due diligence, and maintaining an inclusive work environment.

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